Tag Archives: Bernie Sanders

Media Controlled by ‘Six’

Six Corporations control 90% of the media (TV, cable, radio, newspapers, book-publishing, etc.) in the U.S. Basically, these six corporations are principally controlled by six people. They understand that they control access to knowledge. They control our need for knowledge, by entertainment distractions. They control our level of sensitivity by reducing our sensitivity through brutal programming – programs that show merciless slaughter of creatures which make the torture, suffering, and death of these creatures, ‘entertainment.’ And that ‘entertainment’ reduces our sensitivity to all livings things.

They control what we think, by only exposing what they use to affect us emotionally. And so, they have degraded our minds in this way. And they present polarizing views of issues, which blind us to the natural scrutiny from the center-majority toward the poles, by controlling the observations we can make, which in turn make us only able to think in a manner that ‘chooses sides’ – when they are all working together to coerce our thinking into a position that makes their profits more likely, and, greater.

The media is in complete control of the way our society acts and thinks. We need to tear down the walls of illusions that have been created by misunderstanding, and return to a time when American culture looked from the equator out at the poles, rather than the ‘dis-mantled thinking opportunity’ of looking from one pole to the other.

We’re all being led to the trough, because we’re not allowed to understand, or have a concept of mechanical thinking-procedures. And so, we are only left with the emotionalism of polarization. The ‘information highway’ is a map leading us someplace we don’t want to go, but we don’t know it because of the misconstrued and torted (twisted, crooked, dubious) roads it makes us take.

It’s been two days since I’ve heard Bernie Sanders’ name used in the political ‘news programs.’ But from the ‘right,’ there is a constant barrage of ‘one-percenters.’ And so, they have moved to hysterical interpretations for entertainment purposes. And we fall for it, because we don’t understand how to do ‘thinkin’s’ any more. It’s been a long time a-comin’ and it’s here now.

And the only real view of life in the United States has been reflected by Bernie Sanders. And it’s led to his rejection by the media, by the DNC, and even by Thom Hartmann. And so, the people leave him because they feel inhibited, and as though they’re ‘not fitting in’ – because of the media. We must look to the Free World to learn how to think all over again. And we’d better get started now.

Hillary Clinton said on CNN news (referring to Donald Trump), “I have a lot of experience dealing with men who sometimes get off the reservation, in the way they behave and how they speak,” That is a remarkably blatant racist statement – more than any racist comment I’ve heard from a politician this cycle. And the media chose not to acknowledge that in any way, and just moved on to Trump’s wackiness.

Things seem more hopeless now because of the lack of ethics of the Sophisticated Profiteers who direct the Sophisticated Manipulators who select the Sophisticated Advertisers who use Human Factors Psychology for purposes of manipulating society for profit through the media owned by the billionaires, and the politicians their lobbyists pay for.

Montanans for Bernie Sanders

Dear Montanans for Bernie Sanders,

Here in Montana, we have a shrine at the state capital for the confederate battle flag.  Our TV and radio media, and politicians, have a right-wing social-engineering agenda. If Bernie were to come here, the media would misconstrue his words, then show a silent tape of him waving his arms and giving his speech while they comment on how liberal he is, and is he a socialist, or not, and could that bring down ‘Merica.

We have to attend rallies. We have to speak up. We have to say, Bernie’s approach to government is founded in humanist principles. We need government to support health and welfare and education for the future.

We need to say something to somebody, about our need to change the philosophy of ‘the end justifies the means’ in our government and in society.  Listen carefully to our politicians, and each time the message seems illusive, or altered in direction without clarity in its answer, they are applying their philosophy of government, which is, ‘the end justifies the means.’  They imply impending doom.  And then they corrupt the intellect by verbalizing simple, conforming and comforting one-liners that put the mind to rest with simplicity, and so, degrade the observation, creating simplified and less correct knowledge, which renders the mind into dupedom.

If Bernie comes to Montana, there would be generally a negative impression with body language by media.  We need to do work for Bernie here, by supporting rallies and so on.

But we’d like to see him here, nonetheless.

The U.S. Intrafucture

The road system that we know has been falling apart around the country due to lack of funding for many, many, many years. And it’s Bush’s and Obama’s wars that have bled the interstate system, educational system, and a health care system based on sustainable humanitarianism, DRY, through insensitivity and desensitization-programming by the media.

We have the knowledge they provide us, which is polarizing to squelch the intellect by only creating observations from the poles, that show contrary opinions identified as being founded in the appearance of ‘the end justifies the means,’ which do not promote observations that bring together cooperative perspectives from the center that teach and cause learning, and bring resolution. The media is controlled by the Sophisticated Profiteers (billionaires), and they have stupefying and desensitizing programming agendas.

The Sophisticated Profiteers have endless amounts of Sophisticated Maneuverers who emulate them in order to bring a bigger piece of the pie to themselves, which give the Sophisticated Profiteers unstoppable power to advance their agendas by compounding greed.  And, so, there is increased danger on our roads due to the loss of sustainable intrafucture, which has diverted billions of dollars of the people’s money to the pockets of the tax-relieved billionaire.

Bernie, Bernie, he’s our man! Go to Free Speech TV (FSTV) to find out what he says to support a humanist philosophy in government, on The Thom Hartmann Show’s ‘Brunch with Bernie,’ from 12:00pm – 3:00pm EDT, every Friday.

This is the only medium where you can hear Bernie Sanders speaking.  Media, like MSNBC, CNN, etc., show tapes of him speaking without audio, and use commentators during that period to speculate how liberal Bernie is, or, if he is a socialist, and how he’s doing in the polls, instead of simply playing the audio of his message. And then they ‘break memory’ by rapidly proceeding to a ‘foxed-up’ weather-girl.

Beware of main-stream media. The people’s perspective of them is flawed, and they will use that to greater and greater effect, the closer the election comes. Scrutinize the media to recognize their intention.

Bernie, Bernie, he’s our man!

This is important to us:

Bernie, Bernie, he’s our man!

Fridays, on FSTV (Free Speech TV), 12:00pm – 3pm EDT, The Thom Hartman Show has a segment, ‘Brunch with Bernie,’ where Bernie takes phone calls from folks.

It’s educative.  He is an educator of governmental ‘fail.’  It’s a beginning of a philosophical change for government.  The ‘fail’ is recognized through humanist philosophy.  Humanist philosophy focuses on the breath of happiness, and, the responsibility of human intelligence.  This is about sustaining the health and welfare of humanity, and all that it encompasses.

Please help Bernie!

– Jason & Dana